Saturday, November 7, 2009

Current Auction Developments/Updates

Well interesting development No MCS blog, I suspect that the moderator of the blog is off for the weekend and there will be no comments there until Monday, We hope this is not the case.
(now we know the poor employee has to sort through post's over the weekend can't blame them for going about it haphazardly)

We will be ending the auction at 2hours before Pay Day. (-2hBPD)

The Auction bids will cut off when the street Pink Heifer receives a bid from "Pinks Father" at exactly -2hBPD. This will then be the mark line on my offers list. Any that come after that will be refused.

Let us know if we can help you in any way through comments here or through
Complete discretion is assured, we will never share your info with anyone or reveal your game identity to others. Be assured we feel the same way.

Good Luck all


  1. 1h till auction end, remember Greenwich Mean Time (Game Time) does not change with daylight savings.
    Good Luck

  2. half hour to go grab those 5-8,000,000 streets there going for peanuts Good future investment Prices will keep going up.

  3. 15 minutes to go this will be the last post until after auction. I will give a roundup of what streets sold for sometime tonight.

    At 3-5 min left It will become more difficult to refuse offers, keep this in mind
    Go get em

  4. Curses! Not enough money to throw at it :(

  5. Ok Its over wow you had us scrambling give us a few min to get settled and we'll be dropping the winners their streets and the money back to everyone else 10-15 min tops ..
    Thanks for your bids and congrats or bummer respectively.

  6. Ok Streets are in your hands or refunds have been given enjoy your streets. If you have question, comments, suggestions feel free to comment.

    Full Selling price list to follow I will not be showing winners names on the documentation.
