Banking In MCS Most players are utilizing some kind of banking arrangement as their available cash rises and the potential for a chance card Disaster looms. There are a variety of ways to bank funds in MCS, most people are depending on friends and family to make offers on each others streets. This is usually a great arrangement until your sibling decides they could actually use that money.(I've witnessed this first hand) We have decided to offer this service to anyone that needs a safe spot to drop some loot.
We have purchased several "Bank" streets and welcome you to make any offer you'd like on them. Every Day we Will Refuse all offers Four Hours After Pay Day
( +4hAPD) so you will have your funds returned in a timely manner. We'd be interested to hear what people think about this.
I would just use my other account for this - oh is that cheating. Advantage would be that I could get the money when i wanted so if nobbynob ran an unexpected auction and I money was tied up in a "bank" it might cause problems.
ReplyDeleteI've sort of got over the high chance cards now - They are a bit like the really long snake on square 96 of snakes and ladders. the person who is winning get the biggest penalty.
I have one main game account and one take over my home town account. So far I own 497 properties in my town - I'm starting at my home address and working my way out - I have all the free properties. but because of offer that haven't been accepted / rejected I am stuck with you can only make 10 offers a day before I have even begun for the day.
@Kevin, good point, the penalty cards seem to be smaller then before. I remember getting some that took over 3/4 of your current total. The largest penalty card I've gotten was $4 bil that one hurt.
ReplyDeleteMy worst penalty card was 1.6 billion, but at the time that was 90% of my income for the day. They don't seem quite as punative as they were, although that could just be luck.
ReplyDelete@AIS Berrys, welcome
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the penalty cards as long as some bonus buildings show up in the mix, got 3 last night. We hate the silly award cards 250,000. Really.. after slamming us with 20-50% of our current bank amount.
The award cards are almost an insult when your daily rent is 10 billion, and just a plain inconvenience to collect when you're working on a long road.
ReplyDeletenice blog rhodes
ReplyDeleteI am enjoying building up my streets now that there is no limit! Whats the biggest number of buildings you have on one street?
@ Linda, thanks
ReplyDeleteThe most buildings so far on one road is
1268 & growing. Anyone else?
@Berrys, ugh "The Long Road Card Jump" should be a "mouse" Olympics Event,
Drag,click,drag,click,drag,click,drag,click.... repeat ad inf....
ReplyDeleteI have just over 1600, but its too slow now to build anymore, it keeps crashing my browser everytime i go to the street :(
ReplyDeleteExcellent number. Most likely its a video ram issue, this game is a ram hog on the big streets.
I crash google chrome often working big roads.
Have you tried clearing the browser cache sometimes that helps.
I'm still trying to determine if this is sprite based or geometry based. Either way rendering up 1600 sprites when you load a road is quite taxing on normal computers.
ReplyDeleteHmm, thanks for the tip, I will have to check the system resource usage next time i load up my big streets.
Bit of a pain that it keeps crashing as it makes it painfully slow to build on my long street now, it takes about 2-3mins to build one building, and at that rate i get bored and give up lol
ReplyDeleteJust checked RAM usage when browsing my long streets and it sends it through the roof. I'm running 8GB of RAM on my comp (64bit W7) so wouldnt have thought that i should run out of it, but maybe it has something to do with running a 32bit firefox version and it not being able to utilise enough ram???
Wow Simon that is an impressvie number!
ReplyDeleteI have been trying to build up one of my longer streets. I have a laptop and it takes forever to get to the end of the steet! Inevitably I will build a building and than get a card and get sent back to the very begining.....ouch!!! drag drag....what a drag :-)
Rhode, have you seen or used this website for your banking needs?
ReplyDeleteUsed to use it a wee while ago, it allows you to bid (or bank) your money on one of its streets, then you can reject the bid your self when you want your money back, quite good. It used to let you buy streets from it, but i think they've disabled this feature now
ReplyDeleteI'll check that out. Interesting concept.
Yep we're all dragging too...(ty trackball) couldn't imagine your suffering using a touch pad for this.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried Chrome it seems to handle this game better. Your system could benefit from their newer architecture.
Firefox dies when I run MCS
and I've got quad Xeons & 4 gigs ram. Massive video ram does help, but Chrome is the clear winner for playing this for us.
ReplyDeleteJust gave Chrome a whirl and it works a million times better!! Loads my longest street without any hitches and its fast too, looks like I'll be making the switch to chrome from now on :)
ReplyDeleteYay glad that worked for you. Ty Google once again.
A new post on MCS blog,
ReplyDeleteNice to see they acknowledged the winners of the Sketch-Up contest.
Thank you Matthew for our Fav Building The Stairway.
Congrats to all the winners
Hi all, I have accumulated a few streets of value between 1 and 3mil, i have just cleared them of all their buildings and am now putting them up for sale. Will run an auction till 2 hours before this coming payday.
ReplyDeleteAccount name is: EON BLUE
There are plenty of streets to go around for those who are just starting the game. I'm not really looking to make a huge profit as my other account is doing quite well, which is why this is only a short auction.
Hope you all enjoy, and if you have any questions, just post them on this blog.
@Eon Blue, welcome and thanks for posting your auction here, Hope it goes well and you make some mBucks.
ReplyDeleteI am doing just a sale on streets. No auction cause most of the time I'll be accepting the first bid. I have 19 streets to go.... Most tween 2 & 2.5 mil.
ReplyDeleteBid low and bid fast and furious.