Sunday, November 8, 2009

 Wow Street:
(names have been removed to shelter the innocent)
This is what can be built without the 400 building limits.
Anyone come across streets this developed? We're curious.
Please don't reveal the street or owner details unless
 they're your roads, just the numbers will do.
We are trying to decide what to do with all the Mbucks.
As we've said all along we plan on sharing this out,
through games,
giveaways and even donations.


  1. I have a street developed to 49Bil, with a bit more to go, and 6.5Bil in rent....

  2. @Dingo
    Wow very nice, so happy the street limits gone finally opened the floodgates for everyone. That and the improved building placement, and new buildings have really opened things up.
    We love the Stairway building and are using it almost exclusively.

  3. It is nice that the building limit has been removed, however I have still found that trying to build on my long street is still very slow and painful and I get a lot of "errors" occurring, so instead i have been using the autobot to build on it. spose this might be considered cheating, but keeps me from punching the screen when MCS fails lol

    I do also like the Stairway building, seems to have a slightly smaller footprint than all the other high rent buildings.

  4. What I hate most on long streets is the card jump.
    I drives us all crazy. We use a trackball an find it helps to avoid too much carpal damage.
    Still haven't tried the auto building.

  5. Yip, the card jump is a pain, I think one major improvement that MCS could make is implementing autobild as part of the game, they must realise how painful it is trying to build 300 buildings on a windy street, especially with the card jump!!

  6. Our other hope is that they fix the outstanding 7 day bid bug. We have large amounts of money tied up in that mess. Most likely never see it again.
    I can't understand why this hasn't been fixed, wasn't it implemented in their first build of this? Oh well

  7. Where should I be posting general comments. I don't remember any long filled streets in my searches. Rhode directed that this could become general banter replacement. ?

  8. You can post right here for now.
    we will just let the conversations continue on this blog post and most likely will have a daily update. Thats the plan for now.
    so post away.

    Auctions are welcome. Feel free to post your
    market poly streets here too.

    we love that site, its a great resource.

  9. We're currently building some various games with nice monetary prizes.

  10. After building with "Stairway to the Future" Buildings now, I find that the "Sky High Towers" are mostly obsolete. RARELY does a Sky High Tower fit after building Stairways..... Even on little streets these make a huge difference!

  11. NOBBYNOB will hold his auction tomorrow night (Uk time) due to the MCS blog not updating today. Please dont bid until tomorrow evening , say 8pm GMT . Thanks everyone for your patience and to Rhodes for the forum.

  12. Here is an example :

    Full on Gold "Sky High Tower"

    Cost Face Value Daily Rent
    $5,607,000 $3,065,607,000 $408,560,000

    After clearing and rebuilding with "Stairway to the Future"

    Cost Face Value Daily Rent
    $5,607,000 $7,325,607,000 $549,560,000

    So many streets, so little time....

  13. @Bankson Feel free to post your action details anytime.

    @Rick I agree completely. The stairway is by far the best builder in the set. TY btw

    @Nobbynob your welcome to post your auction and news here anytime. We have enjoyed your auctions.

    @Anyone with any questions feel free to comment.

    Some huge streets showed up on Market Poly We were surprised to see several +100 mil streets

  14. @Rick wow that's a substantial difference, may have to rethink my rebuilding strategies.

    MCS blog is bumming us out tonight. Its the weekend whats wrong with them.
    They get us all addicted to their game let us get used to the blog for info then leave us hanging. I saw many planning auctions for today and nothing, tiny trickle of comments.
    Where's haiku guy when we need him.

  15. has anyone else been getting a script error while trying to scroll around on their very long streets? Not sure if its and MCS problem or my browser problem (using firefox) - dont have any scripts running in browser (ie grease monkey turned off.

    It works fine for my shorter streets but every time i go to my long ones the browser lags and freezes then i get a message saying there's been a script error....

  16. I don't use the scripts for building, but on my longest streets, when building I've had Chrome crash, after building for and extended time, on several occasions. I'm my case I would guess its just using up the RAM.

  17. Rhode,

    This is great! but not all of the MCS bloggers are here yet. How to get them all to jump to here for the lively conversations ?

    AND most of all HOW to get new ones to try then when then don't even know about the original blog ?

  18. @Bankson,
    I will be posting this link on the main MCS blog for the next few days and if enough of the people see comments here, they will likely comment as well. Also we'll be running some big cash games which might get some to participate.

    There's really no way to contact the newbie players unfortunately, though I'm sure they find some of the fan sites through Google searches.
    I'd like to have you and other auction/street sellers post your auctions here as well as the main blog.
    We'll just have to see how it plays out, who knows they may lose the restrictions the main blog again. Its ever a unknown with this game in so many aspects, they do keep us guessing.

  19. NOBBYNOB is having his auction tonight, all streets must go. Ends 11pm GMT.
    Streets 2 - 11 Million base value.
    Go to account NOBBYNOB
    By the way , what happened to DEINEMUDDAA ?

  20. Ha, beat this :)

  21. @Nobbynob, Good luck on your auction tonite, feel free to post here if needed for updates etc...

    Deinemudda either was jailed or had a big fund shift. Could be somebody testing their Endgame tactics.

  22. @Anonymous,
    1842 bldg, exceptional.
    We're impressed indeed. How's your computer handling the load, cranky slow like ours?

  23. @Rhode,
    of course I used some tool to build that many buildings, but I can tell you that placing those bonus buildings by hand took at least 3 minutes per building. But at least this makes it almost impossible for others to demolish the bonus buildings, loading the street takes 2-3 minutes and then they still have to search those buildings on a pretty long road with 81 million base value.
    But I wonder how long it takes to place a building on this road:
    I almost had that one bought, but someone beat me by less than a minute

  24. @anonymous,
    Wow, that's the biggest street I've seen in the game so far. I'm drooling now.

  25. NOBBYNOB auction ends in 5 minutes
    get your last minute bids in now!

  26. the NOBBYNOB auction is over, all unsold streets are now going back to the bank. Only 2M ones left, all long streets sold. Thanks to you for playing.

    ps i found DEINEMUDAA under his new alias ... or at least someone with all his old streets! I predict he will be back at the top in a few days.

  27. wow rhodes , super impressive job, well done!!!!!

    nobby can you release my bids please, i will rebid tmw if you wish, but id rather have that money on my score for payday,,thanks

  28. @ Nobbynob
    How'd the auction go any surprises, big sales?

  29. Thanks Wynn, congrats again on #1, hope to see your auction/selling posts on here too. Cheers

  30. thanks rhodes, well i think it was other peoples demise rather my hard work, i was away for 4 days and only checked messages etc, so im a bit baffled by that

    thanks nobby,

  31. im off to be now
    but basically anything under 1.8million in my portfolio im selling out of , so make a cheeky offer, you will def win it


  32. the auction was rather quiet, think people have their eyes on some rather long roads that seem to have come out of africa recently. Places like Sudan and Egypt, roads over 200m base value. Mostly in holding accounts, I wonder when they got put into the game and how anyone found them. Best sell them soon though or they wont be worth building up if the game finishes next month.

  33. @Nobbynob,
    "Best sell them soon though or they wont be worth building up if the game finishes next month".

    I was just thinking that last week


    So to celebrate CITIES XL BEEN JAILED LOL and buying 5 of his streets

    im about to list 15-20 streets which im selling back to the BANK

    i cannt move them, and i hate holding up the chain of events with street sales

    last time 3 accounts snapped the lot and plastered them with monopoly towers with in minutes

    please respect this, i cant stop you but i really want the NEWBS TO buy them..

    Ok back in 10 mins with the postings this will be in the main blog

    WYNN T

  35. The NOBBYNOB auction is now on!!
    Runs until 11pm UK time so about 4 hours left.
    Streets from 2 to 14 million , all clean apart from bonus buildings .
    All low bids promptly rejected from now on.
    Come and see - NOBBYNOB .
