Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The End Is Near

Well now we know, the game ends on Dec 9th , 6 days from today. Suddenly we are faced with the inevitable. Let us know how you feel now that the end has been announced.
And now this, streets unaccesible, game barely functional. The last days were not supposed to be like this . Never thought We'd see cones on a blue street. Theres a first for everything


  1. Can't help but lol a little at this cherry on top. Not only that but they altered the Terms and Conditions again to match the Dec. 9 end date so no one can use that as proof that the end date used to be later.

  2. Gabe ,
    they are covering their tracks lol

  3. I'm just happy that my 200Bil bid got rejected overnight, no way I would have made that back in 6 days!!

    It is a bit rude to not give us more forewarning so we could plan our end game strategies better... Bet there are a few people who got caught out by that.

  4. Yes many were hoping for the 16th as the end, caught now in this marathon. The servers are a mess cant get to streets , scary

  5. Glad I'm not the only one that cant get to streets.

    I couldn't be bothered manually clearing my streets for an optimized rebuild, so sold it to the bank to clear it, now i cant buy it back cause of the server lag.... I hope everyone is having the same problem so it doesn't get snapped up, was a good street...

  6. Although, if you look at the global leader board, it appears they are happily buying and selling streets, so maybe just certain areas are affected. I also think one of them just brought my street, sad :(

  7. Crap. Just spent 19Bill on a street. No way to make that back - ROI was scheduled at 12 favorable days :( Damn.

  8. Anyone else having the problem since about 10-20 mins before rent :

    You get a Demolish bldg card, but when you select a street, it locks up ?

  9. The games got serious problems, make sure to post your desire to see it fixed at the MCS blog. Ask them for more time too It can't hurt, an effort on our parts may sway them, as it has in the past. Mention your love for the board game too. Remember its all about the brand name to them.


  10. post on the main blog, your joy at the way the way the game is playing in its final week

    enough complaints and VOICE they may well fix it

    dont lay down and take it

  11. ALL streets at cost price!!

    extra donations gladly accepted with a big thanks


    Wynn t

  12. @wynn t

    Is cost price same as base cost ?

    Hardly matters if I can't see which streets I might want to use.......

  13. Hmm, woke this morning to find 3 of my streets completely destroyed, guess it would have been more if they had been able to get to my other streets (which are so badly affected by this latest bug that they dont load up). Guess something good has come of this, otherwise I might not have been collecting rent today....

  14. Simon,
    Yes thankfully the flaw has protected the bigger streets from attack, although it would be nice to actually access our streets before the game ends

  15. Wynn, I agree post your complaints to MCS blog Its worked before.

  16. We were planning to run another game this week, We'd like to know if anyone would participate, Its a lot of work to put together and it would be good to know that someone wants to actually play.
    Please let us know in chat box or here.


  17. Road, personally for 5bil i probably wouldnt bother, and then theres also the problem of the street loading bug, may make searching a bit hard too??

  18. *and by Road I mean Rhodes, sorry for that one :D

  19. Simon np the prize would probably be more like 15b
    with possibly a street as well.

  20. A prize that big would maybe boost me from second to first on the national board, so would be keen, and all streets seem to loading fine now too

  21. Just sold back a bunch of streets to the bank :

    Friend : Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

    and see which ones.

    Range from 4.5km to 19.6km

    My attackers have been attacking in the hopes that I would sell my streets. Well, it worked, sorta. I did sell them. But, I waited until the jokers were in school/work to do it, so they couldn't buy them! LOL

    Enjoy the last few days of the game!

  22. Rick,
    Sorry that your game ended so poorly, attackers have really ruined this for a lot of people.

    You may be playing alone, could just hand you the

    If you plan on joining in street games let us know.
    .....more later

  23. Dear fellow MCS players,

    As the game draws to a close, I have been trying to decide what to do now. I have realized I have no chance

    of winning this game myself, but I have figured out a way to make a significant contribution. Please read on,

    in the hopes that this idea appeals to you as well!

    Ever since the beginning, the cheating has been rampant. We all knew it, and we reported the ones we could,

    and many got banned. But, as everyone knows, there are still many people with 100's of accounts, some being

    outright malicious.

    One person stands out, who has been here since Day 1, helping new people out, including myself and thousands

    of others. He sold us streets at reasonable prices, and in some cases, handed them over to the downtrodden.

    If I had to pick ONE person who made the most positive impact on the game, it would be Wynn T.
    Wynn T has also done this the incredibly hard way; By playing fair and by being honest. I personally respect


    So, here is what I will do. My account, "ShrewdOperator", will donate everything it holds to Wynn T. Wynn T

    is currently in 3rd place Gloablly, and I'd like to see him in 1st. Feel free to friend me, and watch the

    action :)

    The cheaters will combine all their 100's of accounts, to prove that cheaters always win. I despise that

    model, and intend to do what I can to thwart it.

    I am currently emptying my streets of buildings, to build up even more cash to donate to Wynn T.

    You can do this, if you want to help, in several ways; the easiest being to sell your street to the bank. In

    my case, my attackers have been hoping I would do just that, so they can buy them up. To anger the attackers,

    I will be donating my streets to Wynn T, in the hopes he can sell them for even more cash. (Only give empty

    streets, he cannot collect rent (He's over the 38 street limit), so the buildings are useless to him).

    Another way to clear streets is to manually sell all the buildings, which can be quite time consuming, or a

    script to do it for you.

    I would like to see the Good Guys win for a change, not the cheaters. Please, if you believe the same, donate

    what you can to the account WYNN T.

    Thank you for reading! It's been a fun, and at times, a very trying game. But, I have gotten my enjoyment out

    of it, and now feel that it's time to give back to the person that helped me the most, and try to boost his

    enjoyment as well.


  24. The lack of chance card sucks!! I am being attacked by 10 different bots all because I became national leader and there is no way to defend my self!! If this keeps up then I will be joining Rick in offloading all my moohlah and streets to WYNN T!!!!

  25. @Simon

    I am truly sorry for you. They destroy for hours, you try like hell to rebuild, only to have them tear it down again. It's frustrating to see months work of work destroyed for no reason other than you played well. My deepest sympathies. I wish they had left an option open to assist other players.

    While meager at best, I can offer this advice. Let them attack from rent until about 3 hours before next rent. then rebuild. This gives them less time to deprive you of rent. Once rent time hits, COLLECT IMMEDIATELY, as they have new chance cards, and WILL play them immediately. Rinse and repeat. It sucks, but it's the best strategy I found.

    I finally got to the point where there were so many, that that didn't even work. As of today, I had 98 alerts, and that was my decision point. They killed 120 bonus buildings in about 8 hours, which sadly, were my last holdouts.

    I tried moving streets (By GPS, so less traces), I tried moving funds, I sold streets and bought them back, all with minimal effect.

    Oddly, the thing that confused them the most was when I bought new streets. They would leave those alone for a long time. No idea why. Usually they were just cheap streets, so maybe that's why (like in the 720K to 1.2M range, easy to find). I struggled that way from Thur until Friday. On Friday, there were so many accounts after me, I began to rethink my strategy.

    That's when I came up with my plan. They wanted my streets, and I was pissed. No way were they getting them, as that would mean they won. I wasn't having ANY of that. So, who would be able to make use of destroyed streets? Hmmm....One who couldn't collect rent anyway. So my plan was formed. I emailed Wynn, and told him of my plan. He was ok with it. So I sold all the buildings to generate as much cash as possible, and then donated the streets, too.

    If Wynn Wins, now I can say I had a part in it, and feel good about it. If not, well, I tried. Fighting the bots wasn't getting me anywhere... Collecting 1-2 Bill rent on properties worth 20B a day sucked.

  26. Hey Rhodes, I just want to say thanks for creating the blog! MUCH better than the crappy main blog!

    Your artwork is outstanding, as well!

    I'll be around and reading up until the very end, but just wanted to say thank you :)

  27. Simon, sorry you got the attack treatment. Its been a pretty brutal game in that aspect.

    Rick, Thanks for kudos,

    We will be doing a follow up ending post, covering our impressions, where we ended up and streetagies.
    Hectic times here with holidays approaching.
    Sorry for the lack of consistent posts.

  28. One street for sale, Taunton Road, base price $23,788,000, no buildings, location
    Best offer on Monday two hours before rent collect wins.

  29. yup ,, here it goes

    wynn t has dropped to 5th in one hour, asb the global board fuses

    i would expect wynn t
    (as a single account and no structured alliance)

    to finish in around 14th maybe 16th

    thankyou rick for you kind words and to rhodes also, i have met some fantastic kind and generous people in here and i wish you well in whatever you choose to take your lifes path.

    best regards

    WYNN T

  30. Check out the chat posts for links to streets that I have just released back to the bank..

  31. I have only two more streets to send back to the bank (they're on 24hour lock down) so i have all but exited the game!!

    Thanks to everyone who has made this game enjoyable, especially Rhodes for setting up this blog and the games and for being a good guy in general!!

    Here's hoping they bring the game back!!

    Enjoy the last day of play :)

  32. Hello everyone Last day wow, almost over, the wife will be relieved.
    Couple of notes we've put all our funds into our top family accout Procrastinator, originally my nephews account but he grew bored so we took it over, We are not asking for donations but will not refuse them.
    We will fill you in on how things turned out tommorow after the game is over.
    We thank you for coming to visit with us, and we appologise that the posts were not more frequent.
    This was a fun experiment for us as it was our first blog attempt.
    The art in all the pictures was from a series of 3d renders I've been working on for years about the Columbian Exposition of 1893 in Chicago, our home city.
    Thanks again and look for our follow up report soon.

  33. Hi,

    I had a harrasser for several days, until I built 4 special accounts to deliver lotta demolish & sabatoge cards to him. He offered to buy a 168K property and so I sold it and no more.........

    Until yesterday. He stomped on me again. I don't have enough chance cards for all of his bonus buildings etc.

    Any one with spare demolish or sabatoge cards can use them on "ERAEDCN". He has 3 properties with rent over 200M. One has 7 bonuses, 5 bonuses, and 2 bonuses.

    Then in last hour before payday, I can use my cards to really pummel what is left. Be nice departure for last day for him to lose the 3 biggest incomes and maybe more.


    forget it if you in THe UK , I won those LOL

    but if you need a bump..speak now


  35. Hey guys - Got a few longer streets up for grabs here. I want to get rid of them before payday today and will just end up selling them back to the bank before payday.

    -1057984933/388283249 18m
    -973432369/260790439 25m

  36. @Wynn

    You could bump me (Cyrilito) up the UK leader board if you want ... I'm in serious danger of falling off the bottom LOL

  37. DAM!! huge offer from
    gogopowerranger and its a 24hour ruled street aarrrrrrrrrr

  38. WYNN IS A CHEATER - - biggest liar - most multi accounts!!
    Wynn is Rio is Rhodes is Mountainviewer is Taiphua is Rick is Wynn T is Wynnt is Bankson is Simon
    Despite all that pathetic cheating you still couldn't win - LOOOSER

  39. donlad first off your in my place now, You are the pathetic one, anyone on this blog knows well Im from Chicago and am a graphic artist, your insane claims are incredible and a bit paranoid, so I'll leave you with a thought.
    If confronted you numerous times and have always won, you tried to destroy our streets on procrastinator, BTW Simon , Rick ,meet your dickhead attacker. I beat you every time we crossed paths Im now in 15th place ,where are you, you've given away everything to someone else. Fool and his money are soon parted.
    Constant, ha. had we known that earlier we'd have all destroyed you. Now go away pathetic excuse for a non-human and leave us real people to play our game. FOAD

  40. Hey Wynn T, if that bump offer is still on the table, I just fell off the bottom of the US national board.

    Acct Name is still COELROM.

  41. LMAO!
    I cant even manage one account LOL!!!!!!!!!!

    gane how much do you need?

    IS YOGIUK here?,, i have a24hr window on his very kind offer

  42. @Donlad

    I'm in Iowa, Wynn is in the UK, dunno where Simon lives, but you couldn't be less accurate if you tried.

    You may have attacked my accounts, but you have won nothing. I sold all my buildings, turning it into lota of cash, and all the buildings from SCOTTC, when he/she quit the game, and donated 179 Billion to me in streets. I then donated it to Wynn T, JUST so you could see how much money _I_ had, and you didn't. And then, I donated the streets too, just to make you even angrier at yourself for playing SO POORLY in this game.

    Do I have any streets left? Yes, 2 :) And even though those accounts are now drained, and have a -180 Bill score (or lower) I'm STILL collecting rent on those streets, because, well dude, you suck. Yeah, there is nothing I can DO with the rent, but it's just the point of showing you how bad you suck. You have what, 200 accounts now? And you can't even take out 2 streets? Pathetic.

    What makes it even better, is I never stooped to creating attack accounts like you did, and any attacks I DID make, I made from the accounts you were attacking.

    So, well, enjoy your loss. I suspect you will continue to suck at the game of life well into the future.

    Oh. and, Have a Nice Day :D lol

  43. woot! Rhodes will make the top 10 by the end of the night! Didn't know you were so close Rhodes! Congrats!!!!!!

  44. take ur lithium and the rest of your meds - i feel sorry for you - simply pathetic Brit

  45. Donlad, your stupidity is proven again :D I collected rent on the last night:P

    Pfft to you!

    Are you so stupid you can't tell where Iowa is? Buy a map.

    *Hint: It's not in the UK*

  46. not gonna rise to the bait, Canadian Patriot Knows all moron ...

  47. Sorry Rhodes, I thought you were a shoe-in for the top 10, but I drastically misjudged the combining of accounts at the last minute.

  48. Rick,
    We'll happily take 19th, It was a damn good run.
    It will drop throught the day too. We've achieved well more than we'd expected,

  49. i dont take lithium its a mood stabiliser my mood is just dandy, and stable

    how do know about lithium is for anyway do you take it??


    however i do take benzodiazepines to help reduce the effects of huntingtons disease along with heavy neuroleptics and tetrabenazine which allows me to concentrate for short periods of time as long as i dont multitask

    i guess multi accounting would not be for me then huh, as i said before

    one account is more than enough for me to handle

    have a nice day!


  50. Hey Wynn, Grats on 5th buddy :)

    Take care, and it was a true pleasure meeting you :)


  51. Wynn,
    Indeed big congrats on the 5th place,

    Oh and Don this is all one big charade made just specifically to mess with your head.

    LOL god what a moron

  52. Rhodes, I'm not sure if you're getting the weather we are here, but wow is it a whopper. This may top the storm of '73!!!!

    I've only been home from work for about 2 hours now, and my truck has 8-10 inches of snow on it! It was clean when I came home!

    They are predicting 8-12 FOOT drifts overnight tonight! Unbelievable!

    Hunker down, and stay warm!

  53. You notice that donlad never lets logic or reality get in the way of his conspiracy theories :)

    Heck, he can't even get geography right :D

  54. Rick,
    Yep were getting snow all day, 8-15 inches predicted. We're pretty metro so the plows will take care of the bulk.

    We didn't know there were evil and vindictive people in Canada, all Canadians we've ever met were the nicest people, Don are you a transplant to Canada or just a freak in your own land.

  55. Wynn, as I said I truly feel sorry for you - I could tell you had some type of problem - I just guessed at the lithium.
    You were on 24 hours a day for 3 months solid - had to be home for a reason. You should have never dissed Canada early in the game - it's just not in the spirit of fair competition. But I never did forget after you left Canada for UK leaderboard. I stayed off National leaderboard for the whole game until I made my final move. But you ruined it for West - I could have helped a fellow Canadian and made him leader for a day - I promised him that and he wanted it badly. But he listened to you so you cost him his moment of glory. I threw that stuff about "Constant" out on the chat today knowing you would take the bait - and you did. Check my real account - "bangalore" Canadian National Champion - and I did it honestly - by building, buying and rebuilding. No builder can compete with the traders and the bots - they just ruined the game for everybody. But if you feel good about yourself - then so be it. Good luck with your health - take care.

  56. Once again you missed the mark,
    But fools are impossible to convince so we give up.

    Ohh big hoser champion bet your so proud, go celebrate in your tuch and have some back bacon.

    Canada the suburbs of the USA lol...

  57. LOL, stupid Canadian. The game is over. Here, I will sell my streets, so you can buy them and build your canadian empire, lol :D

    No wonder noone takes Canada seriously.

  58. so why do you have an account in russia
    "MINSKI", are you saying you have more than one account?? tsk tsk

    and my role on the canadian board lol, i made the national board one day only at 5th and got my assed kicked so badly because i had 6 streets 4 of which were frozen "as part of another offer" so i fail to see how i ruined your game

    and then if you recall the game was "RESET"
    i guess you forgot that small fact as well!!!

    I asked hasbro to jail that account after the reset which they did, that account was wynnt, WYNN T is my single account.

    as for WEST , hes one of my best customers and always has been ..ask him if you like

    o yeah another thing!!

    rememember your very good friend "Flat Stanley" hes the amazing guy that made me a database to find streets so quickly,

    not a scanner not a bot a database of street ids which i select streets and with some luck and a bit of planning found streets to help other players

    BTW. Flat Stanley says "whose responsible this"

    the answer = JACKINTHEBOX

  59. Thanks to Rhode and Wynn T for boosting my fun factor in this game. I actually did better growth because of what I bought and sold to you guys. The biggest joy was the entertainment you two added to the system. There were others with a BIG negative drain on the fun, but you two resisted most of the time.

    Wynn T: If Hasbro starts another game, I'd like to learn from you how you captured the street info from the street hoarders and how monitored them for when they went to jail and upchucked their roads. I really admire your cleverness to turn a somewhat dull game inot something more exciting. You got to be no. 5 for that effort. Congratulations! [for those who haven't figured it out yet, it's capitalism at is best working such like this]

    Work within the rules to discover a new clever way to gain more than most others. Wow! Good job to both you and Rhode (someone said #19, so you're procrastinator ?)

  60. @BANKSON

    To mark a street, have the card up for it, and click the "SHARE" button at the very bottom. Copy that URL to someplace, say a spreadsheet.

    Then you can copy & Paste it back into the browser when you need it, or in some versions of spreadsheets, you can just click the link there.

    YOu should end up with something like my small sub-section below :

  61. actually it's "Whose Responsible This!!"
    It's sad to see you in here - all alone - talking to yourself and your multiple personalities.
